The site was created with the intention of disclosing the astronomical knowledge that, still scarce, I am slowly gaining, with effort and enthusiasm, and make them available to people who approach this exciting world. The scientific training that we are getting only acquires its full meaning when shared.
However, I do it only because I am convinced that the man will take a long time (except in the proximity of very few places on Earth and the Moon) to put their destructive hands on the wonders of which we speak, and destroy so much beauty as there is up there. If there was even the slightest possibility, I’m sure we would not hesitate in doing so shattered and then I would put all possible obstacles, silencing as much as I could.
Galileo is José L. Sendón, amateur astronomer. Currently has the following equipment:
Sky-Watcher refractor telescope 150D/750F, motorized on both axes on HEQ5 German equatorial mount.
Refractor Telescope Meade ETX-70 AT, 350F, motorized GOTO function on altazimuth fork mount.
Super Zenith Binoculars 20 x 50.
Eyepieces: Meade 25mm, SW 25 mm, 15mm William Optics, Meade 12 mm, SW 10 mm, 9.5 mm B & Crow.
Barlow Lens: 2x last Celestron, Meade 3x.
Erecting Amici Prism 90°.
Filters: Celestron Dual Polarization, Squimo light pollution filter, nebular Squimo UHC, anti chromatic aberration Baader Contrast, Lunar Squimo, neutral density and colored filters Planetary Celestron.
Camera: Canon EOS 1000D with T-type adapter, adapter, 2 “extender focus.
May 20, 2012 at 7:11 pm
This is my term paper topic. If the planet is 4.5 times bigger than the Earth, how strong is the gravity?